
Conference testimonials

"I can't express my high appreciation regarding the level of conference in Sibiu in words, because it is something more. The high level of conference management was evident because even the smallest insignificant details were taken into account. It was a real communication of people of different nationalities who wanted to improve the level of education, the standards of life and the global world." - Armenia

"Time flies by and it's been a week now that we are back from the fabulous conference. It goes without saying, it certainly is among the few conferences that I've attended so far that was so interesting but at the same time very elegant and stylish. " - Macedonia

"Congratulations once more on the great conference and your welcoming" -Albania

"Thank you for making one of my dreams come true. I had always wanted to be participant in a conference and you gave me this chance. It was quite a fruitful experience and I am grateful to you" - Graduate rapporteur

"Thank you for offering us the chance to take part in the UNESCO conference. We are glad to have risen to the occasion".-Graduate rapporteur

"The Sibiu conference was excellent" - India

"Felicitari pentru organizarea reusita a Conferintei de la Sibiu, Ramada 2011. Discutiile de la mesele rotunde au fost deosebit de valoroase si la fel, prezentarile din plen." – DPPD-Romania

"Congratulations on a flawlessly organized conference"- FLA-Romania

"The conference was extremely useful. It allowed me to reflect on my own practice and plans as much as gain ideas from other colleagues."- United Kingdom

"Congratulations on a very successful and high quality event" - Belgium